Dott. Aligi Mura

Tax ID code: MRULGA89A09L093Z


Aligi Mura provides translation and court-sworn translation from English to Italian.

His expertise in legal matters means he can offer professional translation services for various types of documents, including legal pleadings, opinions, letters, and other relevant material.

Additionally, he actively contributes in the researching and drafting process related to private law cases and, particularly, guardianship proceedings.

He manages the relationships with international clients, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the legal issues presented to the firm’s lawyers.

Aligi Mura effettua traduzioni di atti giuridici e documenti dall’Inglese all’Italiano, nonché le eventuali, relative procedure di asseverazione presso i preposti uffici giudiziari.

Collabora altresì alla ricerca e predisposizione di lettere, pareri e atti giuridici in ambito civilistico ed, in particolare, di Volontaria Giurisdizione

Gestisce i rapporti con la clientela straniera, interpretando al meglio le problematiche giuridiche sottoposte agli Avvocati dello studio.

Sardinia and beyond

Our main offices are located in Tempio Pausania and in Olbia, both in northeast Sardinia, Italy, where we physically operate, which includes the Costa Smeralda.

We can provide services and assist our clients, both Italian and foreign, throughout the national territory of Italy.

Switchboard +39 079 671110


Corso Giacomo Matteotti 53
07029 Tempio Pausania SS

+39 079 671110

Monday – Friday
08:30 – 13:30
15:00 – 19:00


Via Lombardia 7
Via Rio Gaddhuresu 2
07026 Olbia SS

+39 0789 206035

Lunedì – Venerdì
08:30 – 13:30
15:00 – 19:00

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